What are Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)?

Your vehicle has on-board diagnostics
Thats right your vehicle is smarter than you might think.
The OBD or On-Board Diagnostics system gives you access to the vehicles self-diagnostics reports across a range of the cars technical systems. Typically drivers come to contact with the system when the on-board diagnostics detects a malfuntion and generates a engine light or other warning indiaction and a corresponding trouble code to inform the driver.
These trouble codes are behind the acronym DTC (Diagnostics Trouble Codes)
OBD 2 stands for the versioned improvement to the original standard, in both capability and standardisation. The OBD-II standard specifies the type of diagnostic connector and the pins and the electrical signalling protocols available, as well as the correct messaging format.
OBD 2 also lists candidate vehicle parameters to monitor along with how to encode the data for each of the parameters. There is also a pin in the OBD 2 standard connector to provide power through the vehicle battery remopving the need for any separate external power supply. The Tramigo OBD Premium comes with a built-in battery to address situations where the device is removed deliverately or accidentally. Your data will be saved from being lost (incase your are our of network coverage area at the time) and depending on your particular situation your device may continue to transmit location or other details for an extended period of time.
We typically speak of 20 minutes of location data (after removal) but this preiod can be signifcantly longer depending on what data and how often the device is set to transmit.
Read DTC codes and reset engine warning lights
Tramigo OBD premium will allow users to reset their vehicles DTC codes directly from the Tramigo App's easy to use interface.
Your Tramigo OBD premium will also help you understand what the cryptic DTC codes mean, as DTC codes / dashboard engine warning lights are typically indications your vehicle may need attention or even repair.
And remember, that while often the owner will be able tell the car is just fine, its also good to keep in mind that in the end, resetting a code does not affect its root cause and leaving serious isses unattended may end up causing harm to your vehicle.
And although the codes are generic its equally good to understand that the specific steps you may need to take to repair the issue may vary depending on the make and even the model of your car.
What may be happening - and example:
Let’s have a look at the P0141 error – HO2S code. This code means that the heated circuit in the oxygen sensor on bank 1 decreases time needed to enter closed loop. Sensor 2 would be the second sensor downstream from the engine.
As the O2 heater reaches operating temperature, the oxygen sensor responds by switching according to oxygen content of the exhaust fumes surrounding it. The vehicle ECM (Engine Control Module) tracks how long it takes for the oxygen sensor to begin switching. If the ECM determines (based on the coolant temperature) that too much time elapsed before the oxygen sensor began operating properly, it will set P0141.
Test for yourself - how does the Tramigo OBD Premium Read & Reset functionality work?
If you connect your OBD Premium to a fairly recent vehicle that is in good condition you may experience what one might call a positive problem - there are no diagnostics error codes to report on. While you are probably very satisfied with the fact that no error codes are present, it is understandable that you may be interested in checking how your new device works and would report and enable the resetting of codes.
**Please note: Follow these instructions at your own risk only. Tramigo does not recommed anyone does this, as you should never intentionally disable important vehicle systems and features. **
1. How to test when you have no errors: Creating artificial error codes
If your vehicle shows no engine warning lights you can artificially induce a warning light in order to test the read & reset functionality. By purposefully disconnecting or disabling a vehicle system.
2. What error codes can you look at creating?
You wil need to open your car hood and disconnect some existing system and your vehicle should alert you with a engine light and a DTC code that will be registered by your OBD Premium device.
From this point onwards you should proceed to your own risk only and always remeber to immediately restore original settings or you will risk damage to your vehicle!
a. Coolant sensor
The sensor that is used to monitor the temperature of the engine's coolant. The sensor sends the engine signals that the engine uses to optimize performance, helping the engine understand for example if the engine is in a very cold environment and would as a result need more fuel (vs. less fuel when the engine ir fully warmed). Removing this coolant / temperature sensor will resuult in error code and engine light being turned on.
(Temperature / Coolant sensor)
b. Lambda sensor
The sensor that is used to monitor the temperature of the engine's coolant. The sensor sends the engine signals that the engine uses to optimize performance, helping the engine understand for example if the engine is in a very cold environment and would as a result need more fuel (vs. less fuel when the engine ir fully warmed). Removing this coolant / temperature sensor will resuult in error code and engine light being turned on.
(Lamda /Oxygen sensor)
c. ABS fuse
The vehicles Antilock Braking System or ABS is protected by a fuse that can blow if there is a short circuit or electrical surge in the system. The fuse prevents the condition from damaging the actual system. Your vehicle should incude a map that lists all the electrical fuses and their locations. Using this map it is possible for you to locate the fuse related to the ABS brake system and disconnect it. Your vehicles brakes will probably continue to operate but without the important safety element of the ABS system which may lead to your brakes locking up which may in turn result in a dangerous situation. removal of the fuse will be detected by your vehicles systems and the respective engine lights and error codes will be triggered.
(ABS fuse)