How to use coupon codes at our store

Using coupon codes for discounts and special deals at Eu.tramigo.Store
Coupon codes are promotions where a specific offer like a product, price etc is made available for customers who are in possession of a specific coupon code they can enter during the purchase process in order to redeem their special offer.
Only customers who know the coupon code will be eligible. In order to take advantage they must enter the coupon code correctly during the checkout process. The coupon code offer will be automatically reflected in their purchase price or order contents.
In some cases coupons may be restricted, for example by the number of products that a customer may purchase at one time or by region or by time for example. In each case the material where the coupon is shared will include details whether any such limitations exist.
Coupon codes are alphanumeric strings like for example "ThisIsACoupon01".
Customers will have the opportunity to use the coupon when viewing their shopping cart and at checkout, after entering their address and selecting their shipping service. Each time a special entry box will be available through which the correct coupon code needs to bee submitted.
Coupon codes are case insensitive, to save shoppers frustration when using them.So you can for example enter the above listed example as "thisisacoupon01" and it would be accepted by our system.
If you encounter any problems using coupon codes please contact our support at